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    Authenticity Coaching with Michelee 


 Welcome to Your Journey, ​


 I am here to bring inspiration and insight as you embark on the amazing journey back to the 'U' You were always meant to BE!




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 One on One Coaching with Michelee

These sessions are for expanding and exploring the map within yourself and discover your true souls path to where your fullness of joy resides.  

We all exist with an innate knowing of not just 'who' we are but 'what' we are truly  here to fully 'Be'come ......YoU!

   We all come into this existence with an abundance of skills and talents that assist us in becoming the expanded, authentic, thriving soul self that we are here to be.


In the centre of your being, your authentic self resides. It is considered your higher truest essence....Your Authentic Soul Self.  We have come a long way through many life times to fully embrace who we are.  

 You may not know but you are waiting to be discovered, acknowledged, appreciated and fully loved. ... By YOU! 

 This is where it all begins. ​

My role as an Authenticity Coach and Inspirational Influencer is to walk along side you and gently assist you in your own personal pruning of the outdated programs that may be running and expose the true unique path of your own individual knowing.

  I see each of my clients as a unique soul waiting to be discovered.  We are all on an a amazing  journey,  individually as well as a unified soul tribe.  When we truly embrace our own fullness of being, the expression of divinity within itself becomes known.  We then are able to truly give to overflowing our gifting's back to humanity. This your essence, the true authentic self that we are here to share with this world.

And in doing so we also invite others to do the same. 


Your original Soul Self is waiting to be know, are you ready?


If this idea of knowing 'YOU" is intriguing, and you would like a complementary connection call with me,  please reach out.


Authenticly yours,

Your 'Original Authenticity Coach' and Inspirational Influencer 



You are purposed to BE-come YoU!





Let's connect and see where the light takes us.



“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

― Albert Einstein


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