Fear can often paralyze us and prevent us from moving forwards in proactive and productive ways. Rising above and overcoming Fear can be challenging in itself.
Even though we are not typically afraid of being chased by a mamma bear, we often allow the anxiety of what might happen in the future or fear of something unpleasant re-happening again that sends us into a fear spiral.
The moment in which fear presents itself is the moment in which our attention needs to come home to our soul selves.. Re-centring ourselves in the moment can be empowering as well as alleviating the anxiety that arises from that which we fear being projected towards our future selves.
Fear is often 'the giving of our power away ' to that which is feared…. It is a sliver of falsehood entangled within the remembrance of our knowing, within our cosmic journey here.
We all have what is needed within ourselves to achieve the task or journey at hand. What we should be addressing is how we could have forgotten this.
We would have a much greater effect on our souls' wellness if we just begin to remember that... 'We have all that we need within us.' and we are more than equipped for this journey ahead!
Our minds will be ‘re-minded the more we are able to recognize the abundance of giftings and tools that surround each and every one of us. The more we move into this faith stance the more we will find that we have all that we need right within our arms embrace.
Often our minds like to hijack our '*emotions', (remember: ( *energy in motion) )
When the mind has been given the energy of motion without the partnership of the heart, little instinct or knowingness is available for any deposits of wise counsel to our higher selves.
We all need to take our hearts back and find the connection that leads us back to that which we know within our higher soul self.
It always comes back to knowing oneself, and respecting with lots of love that which you find.
I do innerstand the gripping paralysis that fear can invoke.
Though it's one thing to fear the mamma bear, but a completely different story when what we fear only exists because we give it permission to.
Here I offer to you some key points that may help start you on your journey to living in the Joy rather than in Fear.
4 Keys to Rising above Fear
1} It is important to live in the present, for fear is often based on what could happen in the future! Staying present places us where we have the present ability to fully BE!
2} Believe in your power and your strength of understanding that you ALREADY have inside of you. Learning to test your intuition and feel into your knowing. This will become more natural and effortless for you in time.
3} Guard your heart! Our hearts are sensitive and very aware. They help lead us on our journey. Your heart is the gatekeeper to your knowing. With this being said, watch what you feed yourself…..not just your body but your mind and soul as well. Guard your eyes, ears and thoughts from anything that does not resonate within the love frequency ....this is a fast track way to increase your vibration and creating an environment for peace, joy, harmony and Love to flourish !
No room for fear here!
4} Embrace your shadow self, this is where the fear comes from, there are different ways to do this but a good start would be to do a daily Brain Dump, write and or express onto paper, voice or creative expression.
Express all that is in your mind and heart. Dont be concerned about proper spelling or any preconceived corrective ness..
Then examine the outcome of expression in a non judgmental and loving space. View this expression as if it were your own wounded child looking for understanding…be compassionate with what you see in yourself. Embrace Your whole soul self even that which you dont particular like.
The awareness of the divine in ourselves follows the processed realizations of the shadow self…the part of us we rather not look at yet we so need to innerstand, except and LoVe.
Perfect Love cast out all fear!
Embracing ourselves fully is the goal. We all have fear, pain and doubt, yet when we can eventually learn to forgive and love on ourselves for that which we are NOW, in this moment! We then gain self awareness that becomes our natural state of being and produces the futile soil for the soul self to groW into the fullness of our unique ‘BE’ ING!
There's so much to share on this subject and I would be happy to continue on this soul self journey with you if you so desire.
If you would like to have a complementary 20-30 min 'One on One' Coaching call with me, please just let me know.
I am also offering a ‘New Years Authenticity Coaching Special’ between' Now and Feb. 27th.'
Once a week personal One on One Sessions with Me!
Introductory offer @ 77.00 for 1 hour 11 min coaching season call. (tax included)
I hope this finds you all well and thriving!
Authentically yours.
Facebook Group
Fear is a low frequency while Love is a high frequency.
Fear cannot exist where the full knowing of Love is.
We usually fear what is hidden so shine your little light bright, You got this!!